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Table 4 Exposures of Ohio-based producers (n = 57) that participated in a self-administered and anonymous electronic survey regarding ticks and tick-borne diseases

From: Describing the experience of livestock producers from Ohio, USA with ticks and associated diseases


n (%)

What is your highest risk of exposure?

 Crop harvesting

8 (14.0%)

 Crop scouting/inspection

3 (5.3%)

 Handling animals

22 (38.6%)

 Hiking or other outdoor recreation

11 (19.3%)


3 (5.3%)

 No answer

10 (17.5%)

Approximately how many ticks have you found on yourself in the past year?


13 (22.8%)


31 (54.4%)


8 (14.0%)

 > 10

3 (5.3%)

 No answer

2 (3.5%)

Where do you encounter ticks most frequently?

 At home

15 (26.3%)

 At work

29 (50.8%)

 During leisure activities (not at home or work)

8 (14.0%)

 I don’t encounter ticks

1 (1.8%)


1 (1.8%)

 No answer

3 (5.3%)

Have you ever had a tick-borne disease?

 No: I have not had a tick-borne disease

29 (50.8%)

 Yes: My doctor diagnosed me with a specific tick-borne disease

5 (8.8%)

 Maybe: I or my doctor suspected a tick-borne disease and started treatment without a specific diagnosis

18 (31.6%)

 Prefer not to answer

2 (3.5%)

 No answer

3 (5.3%)

At the time of year when ticks are most common in your area, how many ticks do you find on a single animal?

 My livestock don’t get ticks

6 (10.5%)


36 (63.2%)


10 (17.5%)

 More than 50

2 (3.5%)

 No answer

3 (5.3%)